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发布: 2013-4-03 10:23 | 作者: webmaster | 来源: 本站原创 |

      外滩上海消息   2013年3月15日,Enactus中国总裁兼理事会主席在于香港举办的2013 Enactus新赛季酒会上,正式宣布其更名后的中文是“创行(chuàng xíng)”。

      Enactus中国总裁兼理事会主席介绍说,我们始终坚持“通过富有企业家精神的行动,引领社会进”的宗旨,在2012年9月底进行全球更名后,经过四个多月的反复斟酌和中国理事会成员的集体商讨,最终选定“创行(chuàng xíng)”作为Enactus的全新中文名字。至此,从SIFE到Enactus,从赛扶到创行,这个在1975年成立于美国,2002年进入中国,如今覆盖全球38个国家国际性组织,完成了其发展史上的一次蜕变!

      Mr. Norwell Coquillard, Chairman and President of Enactus China, announced the new Chinese name创行(chuàng xíng) at the 2013 Pre-Competition Cocktail Reception held in Hong Kong on March 15th, 2013. Although SIFE changed its name to Enactus four months we needed more time for find a good name in Chinese. Through much reaserch including surveys of students and Enactus China board members as well as work with a professional branding company the final decision for the new name was only reached in early March. Enactus China will be known as “创行(chuàng xíng)” in China. Established in 1975 in the United States, our organization, which is now present in 38 countries around the world, has grown to embrace a new era.

      Enactus –创行

      创 - 企业家精神的精髓。想象、创新、创意无限可能。

      chuàng – the essence of entrepreneurial spirit; imaginative, original, and the ability of seeing possibilities.

      行 - 许诺共同采取行动。我们承诺用我们的热情、天赋和理念,以行动去影响更多的人。

      xíng – the collective efforts of taking actions, which channels the unique talents and passions and ideas we each possess toward creating good in the world.


      We are a community of people who understand the transformative power of entrepreneurship - in spirit and practice.


TAG: Enactus 赛扶 创行


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