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发布: 2011-10-18 10:17 | 作者: webmaster | 来源: 本站原创 |

      【外滩上海消息】 2011赛扶世界全球总决赛于当地时间10月3日到5日在吉隆坡国家会议中心举办,来自38个国家约3400人参与到此次年度活动中。最后由德国队夺得冠军,赛扶中国代表队中山大学晋级半决赛。



      The SIFE World Cup 2011 was held from Oct 3 to 5 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Over 3400 people from more than 38 countries took part in the World Cup including the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, other ministers from the Malaysian Government as well as China’s Ambassador to Malaysia and many senior executives including a number of SIFE China Advisory Board Members. The team from Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU) representing China won their opening round on October 4th and then moved on to the semi-final round to compete against teams from Zimbabwe, Singapore and South Africa. The team from Zimbabwe defeated our team and moved forward to the final round of competition. In an exciting final the team from the University of Regensberg in Germany beat the other finalist teams from Guatemala, Puerto Rico and Zimbabwe.

TAG: 2011 SIFE sife 赛扶 世界杯 总决赛 德国队


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